Holbrook Moor

Maintenance log.

We received the NoV on the 11th January 2012 and immediately put the repeater in beacon mode.
Then on the 11th February 2012 at 17:30 the repeater went live.

An aerial radial lost during high winds the previous week was refitted.  The loss of this radial caused background noise on weak signals (QRM) and distortion of the radiation pattern but no loss of service.
A software update was performed to eliminate short audio mutes cause by certain speech frequencies tripping the 1750Hz decoder.  The 1750Hz detection is currently not used on this repeater.
High winds during the early morning have damaged the aerial and it is now dangling from the mast below the radials. It will be replaced as soon as possible; weather permitting. We will endeavour to keep the repeater operational although its performance is severely degraded.
A replacement aerial has now been installed.

A fault developed over the previous week where the talk-through audio became low and distorted. This was diagnosed as a faulty analogue switch on the control audio board. This has now been replaced.

The aerial mast was lowered and reconditioned. New aerials, coax and all connectors have been replaced. Along with the replacement 6M aerial a new 70CM vertical has been installed for the new MB5HM repeater.


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