Specification (subject to change). Receiver frequency 51.32MHz. Cavities: |
Operation (subject to change). A beacon consisting of the repeater's call sign, tone group and locator are sent in Morse code at intervals of ten minutes. This beacon is sent independently of repeater status but can be modified by the repeater control software to reduce the audio level and shorten the transmitted string to call sign and tone group only. To open the repeater a valid CTCSS tone and a signal stronger than 0.45uV must be detected. Once detected the transmitter and talk-through audio path are enabled and squelch sensitivity is increased to 0.12uV to aid weak or fluttery signals. This signal condition must exist for more than three seconds for initial latch otherwise the repeater will immediately close. Once latched a further 2 seconds of valid signal will fully latch the system. On partial latch the removal of the signal will cause six pips to be transmitted. Once fully latched and if the signal is lost for more than 0.8 second a 'K' will be transmitted to indicate the repeater timeout timer has been reset. This is followed by up to six pips. Only a completed 'K' transmission resets the timeout timer. . |